Currently, Ethiopia is pursuing a homegrown economic reform agenda, blueprint to expedite the economic progress of the country. This agenda is designed taking our successes into the account through an in-depth review of key bottlenecks and design of adequate remedies outlines macro-economic, structural, and sectoral reforms that will pave the path for jobs and inclusive growth.
Hand in hand with the homegrown economic reform agenda, Ethiopia has launched the doing business initiative in order to improve the investment climate. This improvement is the man part of Ethiopia’s New Horizon of Hope Action Plan for Job. Beyond having demographic dividend, demand, and a committed government, in the past two decades Ethiopia has made a considerable investment in physical infrastructure. The horizon of possibilities for businesses could be expanded by a smart approach to regulation that keeps the equilibrium of efficiency and promotion of legitimate policy objectives. Prioritized policy, regulatory and administrative reforms that lowered unjustified costs, increased investment, business formation, and greater productivity will be addressed by the initiative (