
  • Ethiopia’s abundant agricultural resources, such as cattle, forests, cropland, a favourable climate, and a skilled labour force, are critical inputs for agro-processing industries.
  • Ethiopian coffee is well known for its unique aroma and flavour, making it preferable for blending with coffee from other countries. Ethiopia is currently one of the top five coffee exporters in the world.
  • With a cattle population of 55 million, Ethiopia ranks first in Africa and tenth in the world, providing a significant opportunity for the meat processing industry.
  • Ethiopia already has well-established meat trade partners such as Cote d’Ivoire, Congo Brazzaville, Dubai, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Ethiopia’s demand for chicken products is rapidly increasing.
  • The size of the livestock population, the natural endowment of favourable climatic condition for improved, high-yielding animal breeds, provides Ethiopia with significant potential to further develop its dairy sector.
  • Ethiopia is the world’s tenth largest honey producer and the largest in Africa. In terms of bee wax production and export, it ranks fourth in the world.
  • Tomato yields can reach up to 80 tons per hectare, ensuring a consistent and abundant supply for tomato processing plants.

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