1. Enhancing the Diaspora’s participation in national affairs and development.
2. Opening Diaspora Accounts, Â
- An application form signed by the person opening the account;
- Â For Ethiopians, Ethiopian passport and residence permit of the country they live in,
- For those who are Ethiopians by birth and foreign nationals, the passport of the country in which they obtained their citizenship and an identity card confirming their Ethiopian birth.
- Proof of ownership and incorporation document for company applicants;
- If you live in a foreign country for one year or more due to work, a work contract and work permit confirming the same;
3. To organize the diaspora through associations, shares and partnerships so that it can benefit itself and the country by developing trade, investment and the tourism sector. Â
- An application form filled in and signed by the association’s manager or representative;Â
- Photocopy of the association’s articles of incorporation and bylaws,Â
- If there are Ethiopians living abroad in the association, photocopy of work permit and passport issued by the country of residence, photocopy of proof of representation if the matter is done through representation.Â
- If there are foreigners in the association who are Ethiopians by birth, proof of identity (yellow card) to be considered as investors in the country.Â
- A photocopy of the approved minutes confirming the change in the constitution and bylaws of the association.
4. Providing bond sales services for the Great Renaissance Dam;
- Request for bond purchase for Ethiopians or Ethiopians, in the Nile basin countries, neighboring countries, friends of Ethiopia and investors who invest in Ethiopia.Â
- Birth Ethiopian identity card for Ethiopians,Â
- For Ethiopians, a copy of their passport and a passport size photoÂ
- For those who do not have a passport, a community ID or any legal document that proves their Ethiopian citizenship
5. Fingerprinting of Taxpayer Identification Number;
- For Ethiopian Origins, Ethiopian origin identity cardÂ
- For Ethiopians, a copy of their passport and a one passport size photo
6. When citizens in need of help, solving the problem together with the concerning body.
7. Providing letters of support for the various diaspora requests back home;
- For Ethiopian Origins, Ethiopian origin identity cardÂ
- For Ethiopians, a copy of their passport and a one passport size photo